Rainbow ELC recognizes that the parents and guardians are a child's first teachers. We also understand that resources are not always easy to find. Below we have provided a few links where you can find some tips and activities to stimulate learning at home.
Vroom - "A global program of the Bezos Family Foundation, Vroom helps parents boost their child's learning during the time they already spend together. Vroom meets parents where they are, through the people they already trust and the places they already go."
LENA - LENA is a professional support which Rainbow's lead and assistant teachers have received training. LENA shares the importance of early talk. "Increasing adult-child interaction is among the easiest and most cost-effective ways to improve children's futures. All the milestones by which school readiness is measured are built on a foundation of trusting relationships. Trusting relationships and conversational turns go hand in hand." LENA has provided the professional support that has motivated and inspired the staff by providing actionable feedback on building nurturing relationships that help children thrive.
PBS - "PBS KIDS is committed to helping all children in school and life." This website not only offers games and activities for kiddos to explore and interact with but also provides resources for parents as well.